Sleep Therapy

Sleep Therapy Benefits

Start sleeping well, tonight

It is no secret that many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Whether it is insomnia, sleep apnea, or just general sleep disorders, we can all relate to the challenge that is a good night’s rest. The good news is the hydrotherapeutic properties of a hot tub can positively impact our ability to obtain it.

Healing Powers of Water

Back in the late 19th century, hospitals would utilize cold wraps, showers, and baths to treat patients who would suffer from sleep disorders. It makes sense that today we would continue to turn to the healing powers of water.

Stay Asleep Longer

It is scientifically proven that the mechanical and thermal effects of a hot tub can profoundly impact the way we sleep. The heat from the water and massage from the jets reduces stress and unwinds tense muscles, allowing you to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer when your head hits the pillow.

Premium Hot Tubs From Viking Spas

Viking Spas is headquartered in West Michigan but our hot tubs are available all across the world. Locate an authorized dealer near you and shop our spa collections today.

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